Decided to play the other half of Max Payne 3 tonight...cannot run the fucking game although (after many hours of work) I got it to run when I first bought it. :banghead:
R* has deemed it appropriate to not let you play your game - that you bought on disc - without connecting to their Social Club thing online, and nobody can connect to it.
I've been looking for fixes, all I see is people having the same problem and reviewers saying that the game is unplayable. R*'s website support is atrocious and wrong. Reinstalled the 4-disc game and let it update itself for hours...still cannot play it.
Anyone running ICEnhancer GTA4 knows how bad R* DRM is...remember trying to get that shit to work? Well now it's even worse.
This is good for the consumer HOW? To not let us play the games we payed for? :what:
I am going to pirate GTA5 out of disgust...I don't want R* to have any more of my money.
I Am So Sick of R* Garbage DRM
Monday, July 2, 2012
I Am So Sick of R* Garbage DRM
at 2:48 AM