Unless they settled the dispute and moved AMC to a more favorable position, it is gone, and that means, as we all know from experience, that it is never coming back.
Since most subscribers probably haven't a clue about what is going on, the real fun will start on July 15, as the calls start coming in about, Where is AMC and "Breaking Bad".
If you're thinking about canceling DISH. better to do it now than wait.
The good news may be that not that many will switch, and with DISH not being the only ones to drop AMC, their ratings for shows like "The Walking Dead" and "Mad Men" will take a dramatic turn downward and be cancelled. We may actually only miss the Final season of "Breaking Bad" and one season, or less, of "Mad Men" and "The Walking Dead".
For those who want to switch you should know that DISH still has more channels people care about than Direct TV. They don't have, and never plan on having any EPIX channels. They also don't have LMN or HUB or Blockbuster at home, and others.
I myself would switch if they just had EPIX, and I'm beginning to hate DISH, but the limited amount of choices to get everything we want makes it hard to justify having anything.
Well that's just my take on this mess, what is yours?
Is it really gone, or moved
Monday, July 2, 2012
Is it really gone, or moved
at 8:48 AM