Friday, July 6, 2012

Railven's Rant Thread

I'm just going to keep this thread since I usually post something stupid and it's just me venting, I mean it is the Internet - am I right? :thumbsup:

After accepting my poor work ethics (:angel) I came across an article about Blizzard Banning Linux users, supposedly, for using WINE, which Blizzard denies and whatever - being neither a Linux user nor a WINE user in this situation - I personally don't care. Reading some of the posts in the threads really makes me question if people are genuinely upset because "the big mean company is exploiting the little consumer" or because "the little consumer is lying and trying to exploit the big company." Whatever, I found this gem:

Spoiler: Quote: I have a Dell Studio 1737, in which the ATi HD 3650 video card is somewhat dated. (since there is the HD 6xxx series out).

I contacted for support due to Artifact/Glitching/Graphical issues, and I was informed 'obviously your video card is bad, or your drivers are out of date.' But in which case, I had the latest drivers for my laptop 2012.0405b, meanwhile support tells me the latest driver is 2012.0425. After multiple attempts at updating to the latest drivers, (ATi Driver Verification tool wouldn't download any new drivers because it kept telling me I was running fully up to date. (I've even applied the ATi Hot-fixes relating to said issues, in my case nothing resolved after applying the patches)

Now, lets get back to Customer Support telling me, 'Tough cookies, your computer is broke, nothing we can do about it, update your drivers you fool'. Even after CS disregarded my initial trouble ticket with diag/reports. They nitpicked previous crashes unrelated to D3 as the root cause of the game not playing correctly. Thus, "obviously your video card is bad'.

CS ignored my points about being able to play everything else on my machine without problems (Like HF2, Portal 2, Alice, GuildWars, Combat Arms, SC2, D2, Fear, SS2, etc etc. Having never had a single problem with the rest of these games, I'm told "Obviously your problem is faulting hardware". Okay, I thought, to hell with it, I'll just uninstall all the drivers to see if I could make a last ditch effort.

Sure enough, Uninstalling all the Catalyst drivers and just going with the Microsoft's Win7 included ATi driver 2010.0625. Diablo 3 plays fine. Yup, Not a dang thing wrong now.

However I can't do any productivity work anymore because without the 'latest' drivers installed I can't run MATLAB, or other engineering software installed because I can't process some of the tasks without latest video drivers. (efficiency)

So now I'm stuck. If I update my drivers (again) I'll have a unplayable game. If I don't update, then I can continue to play D3, but I can't play my other games with the same performance I had when I have the latest drivers.

Sound to me, D3 is actually screwed up. And Customer Service is only trained to follow a script. Sure some of them are probably very intelligent people and quite able to help troubleshoot, but its like they just don't have the time to care. When I can go into nearly extreme detail as to my own process of troubleshooting issues, and narrowing down everything to just one program having issues, doesn't that say a lot about finding the faults. D3 and ATi drivers of certain machines just don't work right. CS just closes the ticket. Today I'm still not resolved in my issue.

For now, I have to only get work done AT WORK (fine by me) but it really hampers my Telecommute opportunity. Especially when School starts I won't be able to have D3 installed on my machine due to work reasons. I'm not about to go out and buy another machine to play D3. I'm not within my 5 year turn around period yet.

CS @ You better damn-well resolve this issue soon. If throughout all these years the only time I've needed customer support, I get nothing but the "Its your problem not ours" excuses, that's really telling of how you've changed. I really wish Linux was supported better. I'd be through with Windows entirely if it weren't for the games. Now for my Rant, in spoiler tag of course :D
You have got to be kidding me? Are people really this stupid? Really? The guy followed trouble-shooting steps WHICH SOLVED HIS ISSUE. What does that tell you? THE FUCKING ISSUE ISN'T RELATED TO THE GAME. <Inser Kammie LOL here about ATI drivers being garbage.>

Hey, end user - have you tried a different software set? Or perhaps, MANUALLY DOWNLOAD THE FUCKING DRIVERS. You know, ATI/AMD uses a unified installer which WILL INSTALL THE LATEST DRIVERS FOR YOUR PRODUCT FROM THE CURRENT INSTALLER.

WWW.AMD.COM, little "fill in the blank" search - BAM, updated drivers. "The auto-updater wouldn't install the newest drivers" well fuck man, Creative put out new drivers for my sound card in 2011, they haven't updated the auto-updater since 2010, guess what version the auto-updater tells me is the most recent? Yeah, the 2010 driver set.

This is the shit that pisses me off about the masses. They got general intelligence to log onto a forum and bitch but have not the same intelligence to use search? I trouble shoot like 99% of most people's issues with Google and that is before I get into advance registry tweaks and what not. Most of the time it is a user error causing a conflict.

I'd wager my left nut the problem is on the user's end, be it he has another program that causes instability or he isn't properly applying the driver fix AMD released to address this exact issue on pre-HD 5k series. Then for them to claim Blizzard has to fix their computer because they can't go out and buy a new one for one game (which in itself is just a mind-numbly fucking recourse) is just the icing.

And my GF keeps wondering why I don't want to open my own shop. This is the majority of the users, and I don't have the patience to tell someone to stop pressing shift so many times and the Sticky prompt won't pop up!
Railven's Rant Thread

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